Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sweet Little Man

This precious baby boy is the newest member of the Jensen clan. He arrived at about midnight October 18th to excited and anxious parents Eric and Erka. Congratulations to you all!
I was lucky enough to get to spend the whole day with him on Saturday. We snuggled so that the nurses wouldn't take him away. He slept, and his Mom slept. It was one of the most rewarding and thoroughly enjoyable days in recent memory!
Thank you Eric and Erka for letting me share such a beautiful time in your child's life and for letting me be there for the two of you.

Monday, October 13, 2008


It has just come my attention that Postum is a thing of the past - it always was a thing from the past, but now it is a thing OF the past.
It's a terrible, terrible situation!
It's cold tonight here in St. George, and I want to sit and sip a nice full bodied, creamy and slightly sweet beverage before I catch the night train, but alas it's not to be :(
In weaker times such a development would drive me to drink - coffee, I mean! Jeez, what did you think?

What am I supposed to do? I need a treat - I need my supper! Whair's ma supper?!?!





Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Is my identity based on my reality? Or do I base my reality on my identity?